Tel: 786-249-4510


This disclaimer applies to all courses where dentist will be working on patients.

Live Implant Training Institute, reserves the right to change these general security practices at any time without prior notice.

Live Implant Corporation does not keep credit card numbers. Upon completion of the course this document will be shredded.

Live Implant Training does not accept wire transfers.
Please contact our office for payment information: 786-249-4510

No refunds allowed during or after the course has been attended.


Full arch immediate loading is a complex procedure that requires combination of advanced surgical skills with advanced prosthetic training. To obtain the desired result of loading the operated cases during the course, it is crucial that attending doctors must possess true advanced skills in both areas of surgeries and prosthetics and understand the following points:

(1) Dr. Mongalo’s team will screen and schedule three patients for each registered advanced doctor, each of these patients will need to be operated on a single full arch, please note that we cannotschedule patients for dual arches since the surgical and prosthetic time would increase to 6-8 hours per patient and this exceeds the time that patients can tolerate a procedure.

(2) While the attending doctor might consider himself to be advanced, it is our teaching experience that tells us that sometimes the line between intermediate and advanced can be blurred. If the operating doctor is unable to perform or complete the surgery due to his/her lack of surgical skills, it is necessary that the supervising faculty completes the surgery. Unforeseen surgical errors on the part of the operating doctor such as perforations, breaking of cortical tables, sinus perforations, inadequate alveoploplasty, inadequate flaps and damage the site, will force the procedure to be aborted and that patient will count as one form the three selected cases, that case will not be replaced.

(3) Full Arch Immediate loading depends on doctor being able to perform the surgery in less than 120 minutes. These 2 hours start with anesthesia and placing of all implants and bone grafting. If the doctor takes longer than 2 hours, he/she will not load the case since the prosthetic portion can take more than the surgical time.

(4) Doctor Mongalo guarantees to have 3 arches but if the torque does not reach 35 Newtons on all implants placed, the case will not be loaded. This depends on the patient’s quality and quantity of bone. The case will count as one of the three cases and will not be replaced.

(5) Dr. Mongalo has trained over 120 advanced doctors taking level 3 and no doctor has ever loaded all 3 cases for different reasons listed above. Typically, most doctors end up loading 1 or 2 or the 3 selected arches.

Keep in mind that we are dealing with patients that can:

1. Change their mind on the proposed treatment plan at the last minute

2. Sudden changes in medical status that will preclude from undergoing treatment

3. Problems with transportation or other personal issues that will result in no-shows

4. Have underlying health problems not detected during the screening process that can result in hemorrhage, poor bone quality which will change the proposed surgery or become anxious and making the surgery impossible

There are also other unpredictable factors such as:

Acts of God. These are defined as “an event that directly and exclusively results from the occurrence of natural causes that could not have been prevented by the exercise of foresight or caution, an inevitable accident. Courts have recognized various events as acts of God -tornadoes, earthquakes, death, COVID-19, extraordinarily high tides, violent winds, and floods. Many insurance policies for property damage exclude from their protection damage caused by acts of God”. Such nature occurrences can affect the number of patients available for treatment during that training.

Dr. Mongalo will not tolerate unprofessional behavior, this includes the following:

1. Not following instructions dictated by the supervising faculty. Arguing with your faculty or Dr. Mongalo in front of patients is not acceptable. Any clinical difference of opinion must be presented in writing and addressed in private to Dr. Mongalo.

2. Treating patients inhumanly, not following US standard of care. Leaving patients unattended while operating is not acceptable. While there is surgery being performed, no person in the team (faculty, resident, attending doctors, assisting doctor) will be allowed to leave the room.

3. Performing procedures that the attending Doctor wants but that the patients do not need. If you need to learn a particular surgical technique, advise Dr Mongalo so he can seek the appropriate patient for you keeping in mind that all patients must match the operating doctor’s surgical level.

4. Stealing patients assigned to others, not following group rules such as abandoning your partner. If your partner assists you for 3 hours, you owe him/her the same courtesy. Assisting is a great educational tool and will learn as much as operating.

5. Inciting negative group comments without approaching Dr.Mongalo the Course Director. The faculty, surgical residents and other attending doctors cannot and will not solve any problems or concerns that attending doctors might have related to room assignment, patient selection, case distribution, expectations, facilities, etc. The only person that can and will solve these issues is Dr. Virgil Mongalo. For him to address any problems or concerns he must be notified early during the week. All complaints must be presented to Dr. Mongalo no later than the 2nd day of the course, which is Monday at the end of the surgical day. If complaints are presented on Thursday-Friday it will be too late to correct them since the course is close to completion.

6. Attend a course after a night of alcohol beverages or narcotics consumption that will interfere with your abilities and/or exhibiting unprofessional behavior in ways you would not behave in your office.

7. The course is taught in English. The faculty and residents will speak English during the course. The attending doctors are required to speak English as well even if you are working with someone that speaks your native language, this is considered disrespectful to the rest of doctors, faculty and residents.

Promotional Material:

Live Implant Training (LIT) reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at any event sponsored by LIT, without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph/video. LIT may use photograph/video in publications or other media material produced, used, or contracted by LIT, including but not limited to social media channels, brochures, invitations, books, newspapers, magazines, television, websites, etc.


At Live Implant Training Institutes, we are aware that you live in a world where plans can change, and we know you have options for patients hands-on training, and we appreciate you selecting LIT for your educational needs.

However, due to the nature of our teaching methodology which involves in-person courses, patient screening, and commitments we make with our professors and venue partners, we have a strict cancellation policy.


Once you have registered and paid monies for any LIT course, there will be NO REFUND, RESCHEDULING OR EXCHANGED FOR ANY REASON.

It is crucial that you make your due diligence in selecting your implant training, be certain of your schedule and your desire to participate in the course before registering.

If you notify Dr. Mongalo via text or email 120 days before the course commencement, that you need to reschedule your course, he will move your registration to the next available course, keep in mind that most courses are sold out 6 months ahead of time.


If you are COVID 19 positive, you are required to submit via email at test results of SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR.

LIT does not accept Rapid Test, because of high percentage of false positives.

If you fail to submit the results via email four weeks prior to your course commencement, you will forfeit your entire course payments.

If you send your test results of SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR, your course will be rescheduled within six months and your entire payment will be transferred to the selected course date.

In the case of a country locking down the tuition for that course will be transferred to a later date, there will be no refunds under any circumstances

I have read, understand and accept Live Implant Corporation rules, regulations and cancellation policies.

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Attending doctor name: Attending doctor signature Date / /